Deluxe Personalised
Mala Package
Allow your intuition to spark the creation of a traditional 108 bead mala
Deluxe Personalised Mala Package is where you intuitively tap into your needs and work with the power of intention.
* Personal Growth Yogic Session *
*Intention work *
*Meditation Practices *
* Traditional 108 Bead Mala *
The deluxe personalise mala package consists of a one-on-one personal yogic growth session that focuses on gaining clarity about your current needs through tapping into your intuition.
The power of intent is applied deeply during this session.
This session can occur in person at The Gap, in Brisbane, or on-line.
After the session, the insights gained are used to create a traditional 108 bead mala based completely on your needs.
This mala will enhance the current focus of your personal growth creating great expansion.
An optional follow-up session is available after the mala is completed.
This session creates space to tune in the mala to your frequency.
Relevant meditation practices are also provided in this session to that enhance the intention set within the mala.
Deluxe Personalised Mala Package: $250
Additional Session (if requested): Discount price $75 (usually $95)
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Would you like to speak to Mala Alchemy about a deluxe mala package?