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The Journey of Calmness through Inner Peace: Numerology 2025

Writer's picture: Vicki MurtaghVicki Murtagh
Another year over and a new one has just began and what a journey it has been. This #numerology overview provides #insight and #guidance to best embrace the most of the #newyear
Rainforest bushwalk on new years day to set intentions for 2022
2025 motto is, “Expansion through inner peace.”

Numbers for 2025

The bases for this year ahead is plugging into Infinite wisdom through the expansion of one’s inner presence.  The motto is, “Expansion through inner peace.”

This is based on the energetic numbers for 2025; the soul number of 9 and the heart number of 7.

The Soul of 2025

The soul number represents the overall energy and flow of the year ahead. The soul number for 2025 is 9.

The 9 energy is referred to as mastery verses mystery and is associated with the yogic body of the subtle body. 
  • Mastery relates to diving deep into the emerging of understanding yourself and the interplay within life. 
  • Mystery on the other hand is about accepting and embracing the notion that the Universe is so much bigger than our little minds can ever comprehend. 

    There is a power above our understanding and beyond what is obvious.  And this power orchestrates the incredible mandala of life on all levels.
    There is a power above our understanding and beyond what is obvious.  And this power orchestrates the incredible mandala of life on all levels.

    The subtle body, also known as the astral body, refers to that aspect of one’s self that is beyond the body, the mind, the ego, this material 3D world in which we live

    To put is simply, it is our dream like state, such as deja vu, daydreaming, imaginary activation, visions, gut feelings, knowing something with not knowing why ... and the list goes on. 

    It is the realm where Angels, fairies, animal spirits, guides, ancestors, Ascendant Master commune with us. 
    It is the realm where Angels, fairies, animal spirits, guides, ancestors, Ascendant Master commune with us. 
The subtle body gives the power to see beyond the ego and lift the veil that creates illusion of life. 

Too summaries, the soul energy of 2025 is about mastering life through knowing oneself by tapping into the mystical subtle energies that guide our actions.

So how does this apply to the year ahead? 

This year is an opportunity to see beyond the limitations within your life through awakening or deepening one’s awareness of the bigger picture. 

Working the Eagle consciousness, where everything is happen, “All at Once.” 
That really time is not horizontal but vertical, meaning that one is standing in the moment of time where all life is flowing through them creating and bringing form into reality. 

"What's the time? Now.  Where are we? Here."
"What's the time? Now. Where are we? Here."

So this year is asking us to be co-creators of our days by stepping into the flow of life guided by those soft whispers of inner knowing.

Let’s now make this more practical.  Here is how this looks like in daily life:

  • calmness, serenity and inner peace through non-resistance
  • receiving guidance but not being attached to the outcome or even knowing where it may take you
  • mental steadiness and emotional stability that comes from inner certainty
  • support that comes from the sense of knowing what is happening regardless if it is understood intellectually.

The following will occur as gentle ways to remind you to come back to centre and surrender control

  • knee jerk reactions.  This means the ego and control has pulled you away for being guided by inner wisdom
  • resisting and struggling against event in life due to arrogance (your ego thinks it is more intelligent than creation itself) or impatience
  • too in the head, overthinking, over planning, over rationalising.  This drowns out the voice of inner guidance
  • criticism of self and circumstances which can trigger vulnerability or boredom.  Feeling hopeless about situations as the big picture focus has shifted or you seek to make sense of things.
When these reminders occur just breathe deeply to reinstate calmness. 

For stubborn situations you can work actively with this energy by being mindful of and integrating the following actions into your life:

  • awareness of a balance between being and doing; letting go and holding on.  Find a space of active ease through the busyness of life.
  • applied intellect, gaining wisdom through discovery and then applying it too life instead of the wisdom just becoming information stuck in the head
  • accepting, through Grace, all circumstances within your life.  This means no judgement of whether something is good or bad, instead surrendering in the trust of the unfolding as it is bigger than you and your understanding
  • learn and expand your use of calm and thoughtful behaviour

The Support of the Heart Energy for 2025

To support this journey is the heart gift of the energy of seven. 

The 7 energy is referred to as platform of elevation and works through the aura. 
This energy is one where you are able to be aware of how you are feeling energetically (plus how others feel) and then pull on internal and external resources to raise above this bringing a sense of elevation. 
This is done through the aura.  This is an energy based shields that surround one.  This shield is what is active in the way we interact with the world.  It is like a filter allowing through that which resonates with our thoughts whilst pushing aside that which isn’t in line with our thought patterns.

When the aura is strong and expanded attraction is amplified and when the aura is weak and constricted a sense of weakness and vulnerability occurs. 

However, since 7 is the heart number both aspects of the aura, expanded and contracted are gifts for 2025.

So how does this heart number of 7 help with the year ahead? 

Feeling calm and connected to one’s inner wisdom, which is the bases of the 9 energy, is actually the essences to how the aura expands. 

The more one is in an inner space of peace the more expanded the aura is which generates a powerful transformative presence.  And presence is how one connects more deeply to guidance and the flow of life. 
Really 7 is the perfect gift for the heart to navigate the year of a 9 energy.

Here are ways that the 7 assist in daily life:

  • overcoming challenges as the aura can attract in resources required to bring resolution
  • a general sense of compassion and confidence within yourself
  • build capability

When the following situations happen it is just a gentle ways to guide you back into being present within. 

  • I can’t.  Accept this and then surrender it all over to the universe as the universe, which makes the sun rise and set definitely can.
  • Shutting down and withdrawal.  Use this as time to replenish and build capabilities
  • Overwhelmed is a reminder that you have stepped out of being present with the moment

Here are ways you can work actively with the energy of 7.

  • Ask yourself, “Where in the material world does you energy get drained and you are pulled out of being plugged in?”
  • Work at kind self-talk around expectation, maybe lower your standards or raise them but most importantly are these expectations in line with your inner wisdom?
  • Celebrate successes and victories, regardless of how small, as this expands your aura.

Putting all this together for 2025

This year is about finding inner peace through calming down and being present to your inner sense of power by relying on the guidance from the universe and trusting in this.

Sat Nam

May your hearts lead the way

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